馆舍介绍 - 民艺博物馆位于中国美术学院象山中心校区内,总用地面积为12204平方米,总建筑面积4936平方米,其中展区面积1667平方米、附属收藏面积400平方米、传习中心180平方米,另外还设有能容纳200人的学术报告厅和多功能会议室。 2016年1月7日《纽约时报》公布了世界上52个最值得到访的旅游目的地,象山校区民艺博物馆代表杭州被登上首页。
民 艺 博 物 馆 建 筑 由 日 本 著 名 建 筑 设 计 师 隈 研 吾(Kengo Kuma)设计。整个博物馆形态呈菱形,单层坡顶,随丘陵「之」字形俯伏,与倾斜的地形相结合,是与自然共存的有机建筑。建筑还利用中庭引入了自然元素,与环境融和,并采用南方传统灰瓦砌筑外墙,彰显地域历史记忆,同时,其钢架和丝网结构,又使建筑超越传统语言而颇具现代感。建筑与山脚的明代牌坊为邻,继承了中国美术学院象校区原有的梯田茶园风光,体现了设计师“让建筑自然消失”的理念。
使命 - 木作、髹饰、陶瓷、编织、印染、皮影等诸多民族、民间手工技艺,涵容着丰富的中国传统智慧,茶米为食、麻丝为衣、竹陶为用、林泉为居,代表了东方物质文明和独特的生活方式。中国美术学院民艺博物馆以中国传统物质文化、设计思想为收藏、展示和研究对象,致力于中国手工艺文化的承继、活化和再生,在全球化语境中,重建东方设计学体系和文化生产系统,以滋养当代中国人的生活,传播中国美学价值和文化精神。
建馆历史 - 中国美术学院早在2003年10月正式对外开放中国美术学院皮影艺术博物馆,皮影艺术博物馆坐落于美丽的西子湖畔,是一座两层楼的民国时期青砖古建筑,对外长期免费开放,展示展览《小皮影 大艺术》,展品陈列采用场景结合地区的形式,共展出1000余件全国各地精彩的皮影影偶。皮影馆除了静态的展示外,现场更有精彩的皮影戏表演和影戏录像播放,《鹤与龟》、《武松打虎》、《盗仙草》等剧目广受喜爱。2015年1月,皮影馆“皮影表演及制作体验活动”获文化
自2011 年开始,中国美术学院在皮影艺术博物馆藏的基础上,动工兴建「民艺博物馆」,目标是建立世界一流的大学民艺研究博物馆,集收藏、展示、研究、教学、传习于一体,面向校内外、国内外开展研究,展示传统生活之美,为现代手工艺术的中国美术学院民艺博物馆发展和传统文化的活化提供知识源泉。
建馆定位 - 何谓民艺?「民」可解释为「民间」「民众」「平民」「人民」;「艺」可解释为「艺术」 「技艺」「手艺」「工艺」。「民艺」的直接解释,其内涵与一些约定俗成的名词相接近, 但它们与民艺的定义并不能直接划等号。「民艺」可以理解为「民间艺术」「民俗艺术」「民间美术」「民间工艺」「民间文艺」「民间技艺」「民间手艺」「民众艺术」等,但是中国美术学院民艺博物馆之「民艺」,并不仅仅是这些字组的概括,而是综合了它们诸多的内涵,即它从社会学的角度更接近「民众艺术」,从民俗学的角度则侧重「民俗艺术」, 从艺术学和工艺美术的角度则呈现出「民间美术」「民间工艺」和「民间技艺」的特征,从学理上看,它又与「非物质文化遗产」的范畴相似。民艺学是跨学科的一门科学,它与其他学科的主要区别在于民众「实践性」的立场,一句话,它是「生活的艺术」。
收藏 - 中国美术学院民艺博物馆现有藏品5万余件套,以中国各地不同风格皮影艺术为主,兼顾家具、木雕、陶瓷、民族服饰、织绣、木版年画、剪纸、民间器用等品类。馆藏中的大多数来自于社会贤达的捐赠以及对外征集,另有来自于学校其他学院历年来的收藏移交。不忘初心,方得始终,民艺博物馆收藏原则基于民艺博物馆注重生活方式展示的宗旨,立足生活,收藏反映传统生活精粹之物,以精彩的藏品研究、展示呈现人们过去、现在的生活方式。
展览 - 民艺博物馆开馆至今已举办了十余项展览,形成了“生活艺术展”“专题临展”“特展”等几个展览系列。
About the Museum
The museum is located at the main campus of Xiangshan of the China Academy of Art standing on a mountainside of Xiangshan on a south sloping hill of Hangzhou city, with a total site area of 16.35mu, and gross floor area of 5,000 square meters, including
an exhibition area of 1,667 square meters, collection area of 930
square meters, traditional custom area of 180 square meters. The
meeting hall can accommodate more than 200 people. In addition,
there are large and small conference rooms.
The Crafts Museum of China Academy of Art, representing Hangzhou, was rated as one of the 52 top destinations in the world
released by New York Times on January 7, 2016.
Designed by Kengo Kuma, an architect from Japan, the museum
was created according to his architectural concept that buildings
should really disappear into the environment - to be almost completely invisible. With poetic architectural language, traditional
Crafts Museum has the idea to reconstruct the relationship between
people and nature, trying to retrieve typical Chinese contemporary
life style. With a single storey covering the slope, the museum conforms to the hill. The natural elements are brought into this building through the design of its atrium, harmonizing with the natural
surroundings. Its exterior wall is of masonry; the traditional gray
bricks highlights the memory of regional history. Composed with
diamond forms in glass forms and combined with the sloping topography, the museum combines the reflections of mountains with
the nature.
The whole building is adjacent to an important gate of Ming dynasty preserved today, reflecting and shining in harmony with the
ancient wall stretching from the foot of hill to the top. It follows
the style of the inherent terrace and tea plantation, overlapping
with topographic relief. It looks just like part of the stretches of
mountain ranges.
Crafts are the crystallization of wisdom of the Chinese tradition
including carpentry, lacquerwork, ceramic, printing and dyeing,
shadow puppet and many of the crafts that represent the orient
material civilization and life style. With local Chinese crafts tradition, material civilization and design aesthetics as research and display subject, traditional Crafts Museum of China Academy of Art is
dedicated to the inheritance, activation and revival of the Chinese
tradition, rebuilding the oriental design study and culture system
with the idea to nourish contemporary Chinese people’s life and to
spread the Chinese cultural spirit and aesthetic value.
History of the Museum
China Academy of Art opened Chinese Shadow Puppets Art Museum was officially opened to the public in October 2003. Located
beside the beautiful West Lake, it opens to the public free of charge.
The exhibition centers on the idea Small Shadow Puppets, Big
Art. All exhibits are displayed by means of scenes combining with
regions. There are more than 1,000 exquisite shadow puppets from
nationwide. Besides stationery exhibits, the museum also has wonderful live shadow puppet shows and plays shadow puppet videos.
In January 2015, the Shadow Puppet Show and Production Experience Program of the museum received the Award for Outstanding
Public Education from the Ministry of Culture.
Based on the shadow Museum , China Academy of Art started to
build the Crafts Museum with the support of the Zhejiang provincial people’s Government with the target to establish world class
university crafts research museum. It integrates collection, exhibition, research and education with traditional customs of the land,
showcasting the beauty of the traditional life style and offering the
knowledge for the development of modern crafts and activating
the traditional culture.
Concept of the Museum
What are traditional crafts? traditional can be understood as the
demos – a populace made up of common civilians and as a people
living in community; craft can be understood as the product of
various endeavors and enterprises by these people, incorporating
art and technique through use of materials at hand. traditional
crafts can be understood most often as the work of generations of
a people through their customs in enterprises representing art and
technic combined with their social, literary and cultural history,
and sometimes of a regional nature. It holds the full meanings of
these elements and terms; it is art of the demos from the viewpoint
of sociology, unique art by “place” from the viewpoint of traditionallore, literature, craft and product through art and technic. It can
also be theoretically classified as an intangible aspect which permeates a cultural heritage. It is a kind of science combining multiple subjects based on disciplined traditions, study, practice and
production. traditional craft study is Interdisciplinary and its main
difference from the other discipline is the practice of the people, in
short, it is the “art of life”.
As a university museum, the crafts museumnot only provides society with aesthetic education, but is also an important supplementary to the educational activities of China Academy of Art, providing
mutual support and creating cooperative relation with various
subordinate colleges. It has immediate relation with the College of
the Art of Handicraft and the College of Design Art in terms of professionalism. Meanwhile, it cooperates with the College of Art Education and Management, the College of Architectural Art and etc.
in terms of personnel training, space design and so on. The crafts
museumis a platform to display the achievements, facilitate class
education and personnel training of subordinate colleges while the
subordinate colleges have become an experts and artists bank for
the Crafts Museum, providing artists and intellectual support to
the museum. The museum and the colleges have co-planned many
high-level exhibitions.
The collection of the Folk Crafts Museum of China Academy of
Art consists of approximately 45,000 pieces. These works include
national costumes, wood engravings, new year paintings, embroidery, folk utensils and a major collection of shadow puppets. The
collection principle of the crafts museum is to emphasize lifestyle
exhibition. Based on life and by collecting fine items showing sophisticated traditional lifestyle, the crafts museum displays people’s
life nowadays and past.
The crafts museum has held ten some exhibitions since it was
opened and has formed a number of exhibition series including
Life Art Exhibition, Thematic Temporary Exhibition and Special