(上)民艺中国器物展 铸铁为器展厅 (下)民艺中国器物展 食寓吉祥展厅
(左、右上)民艺中国器物展 盈满箱箧展品
二〇一七 民艺中国器物展
展览时间:2017年6月30日 —8月20日
二〇一七 展览地点:中国美术学院民艺博物馆1、2、5、7号展厅
该展览包括三个临展,“铸铁为器 — 山西晋城铁壶展”“盈满箱箧 — 中国近现代箱
具展”“食寓吉祥 — 中国民间糕饼模展”,分别展出80余件铁壶和铁炉、80余件中
2017 Series Exhibition on Utensils Made by Chinese Folk Artist
Time: June 30- August 20, 2017
Place: Hall 1, 2, 5, 7, the Crafts Museum of China Academy of Art
Sponsors: The Crafts Museum of China Academy of Art, Jinze Arts and Crafts Firm
Organizer: The Crafts Museum of China Academy of Art
The exhibition includes three temporary exhibitions, Exhibition of Iron Pots in Jincheng of Shanxi Province, Exhibition of Cases in Modern China and exhibitions of traditional pastry mould. The exhibition displayed more than 80 iron pots and iron stoves, 80 some modern Chinese cases and trunks and 200 Chinese folk pastry molds. The exhibition used ancient literature and image documents as well as real items to sort out the daily lifestyle in China in the past one hundred years in a systematical way.